Monday, 24 March 2008

Summary of Series 1 episodes

Season 1, Episode 1: A Touch of ClassOriginal Air Date: 19 September 1975Basil is delighted when a member of the aristocracy chooses to stay at the Fawlty Towers, snubbing the normal guests who frequent the hotel. What Basil does not know, however, is that the man is not a Lord but a confidence trickster who attempts to steal his collection of rare coins. As Basil's desperation to keep such an 'upstanding' guest increases, he becomes increasingly tolerant towards the man's behavior, only to have the guest arrested in a police raid on the hotel.

Season 1, Episode 2: The BuildersOriginal Air Date: 26 September 1975When some work is required on the hotel lobby, Basil goes for the cheapest quote - an Irish builder by the name of O'Reilly - the moment his wife is out of the way. O'Reilly and his workers make a mess of the job, fitting doors where they shouldn't be and putting in walls where there were supposed to be doors. As a result, Sybil is forced to call in a proper builder, only to suffer embarrassment when O'Reilly returns to fix the mess he made. However, she soon realizes that thanks to the work of O'Reilly and his men, the hotel is no longer structurally sound.

Season 1, Episode 3: The Wedding PartyOriginal Air Date: 3 October 1975Basil's prudish nature is outraged by what he perceives to be an outbreak of promiscuity at Fawlty Towers. As ever, he grabs the wrong end of the stick and then proceeds to beat himself with it. Yet another terrible day for Basil ends with his apparent discovery by the guests in a compromising position with Manuel.

Season 1, Episode 4: The Hotel InspectorsOriginal Air Date: 10 October 1975Basil is terrified by the news that hotel inspectors are in the area - and well he might be. The awful probability occurs to him that the eccentric guest to whom he has been so appallingly offensive may be one of the officials. His ranting turns to a pathetic fawning - but has he got the right man?

Season 1, Episode 5: Gourmet NightOriginal Air Date: 17 October 1975The cream of Torquay society turns out for a special gourmet night at Fawlty Towers. Expectations are high but so, unfortunately, is the chef. In fact, he's incapably drunk! A desperate Basil hurtles round to a friend's restaurant in a car that's about as reliable as his chef. His mission is to find a replacement main course - he's out for a duck.

Season 1, Episode 6: The GermansOriginal Air Date: 24 October 1975Basil is left to run the hotel on his own while Sybil has an ingrown toenail removed. He quickly makes a mess of things, resulting in him suffering a concussion. He insists on continuing to manage the hotel, despite his condition, and ends up offending a group of guests from Germany.

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